School Life

Grandparent Involvement

Grandparents' Day
May 10, 2024
Grandparents' Day is one of our favorite events of the year, and we are thrilled to invite you to join us on campus for this special day. We are excited to tell you more about the distinctively classical Christian education that your grandchildren are receiving and to give you the opportunity to spend time in your grandchild's classroom, meeting their teachers and friends.

Grandparents' Day Schedule

9:00 - 10:00 AM | Upper School Classroom Visits
9:40 - 9:50 AM | Grandparents in Prayer (Quad)
10:00 - 10:45 AM | Grandparents' Day Program (Gym)
10:45 AM - Noon | Art Gallery & Grandparent Social
11:00 - 11:15 AM | Grandparenting an Upper School Student Q&A with Robyn Burlew (Gym)
11:00 - Noon | Lower School Classroom Visits
Noon | Student Dismissal

If you are able to attend this special day, please register using the link below.
How can grandparents get involved at Veritas School?
Welcome, we're glad you're here! Veritas School appreciates and encourages grandparent involvement, as we believe that grandparents can have a direct impact on their grandchildren's education by praying faithfully and by being active members of the Veritas community. We have listed some of the ways that you can be involved below. 

List of 5 items.

  • Pray daily for your grandchildren and for our school.

    The Veritas Partners in Prayer publishes a weekly prayer guide (available in the weekly newsletter) and holds a weekly prayer meeting during the academic year. At times, it is possible to join the prayer meeting via Zoom - please email the Prayer Team Coordinator at if you would like more information. 
  • Learn what’s happening at Veritas.

    You can sign up to receive the Lion’s Roar, our weekly school e-newsletter, by emailing Barbara Hickerson at
  • Look around our website.

    Our website contains quite a bit of information about our school and the education that your grandchildren are receiving. Be sure to click the links below if you're interested in learning more about Veritas!
  • Attend Veritas events.

    We warmly invite grandparents to campus to attend many of our community activities, including the Prayer Breakfast, Community Dinner, Book Club, class showcases, sports games, andof courseGrandparents’ Day. Some of these events are also accessible online via Zoom. If you are interested in participating in any of our in-person or online events, please contact Barbara Hickerson at
  • Consider making a gift.

    Gifts of all sizes support the ongoing mission of our school: to cultivate students of wisdom and virtue through a Christ-centered, academically robust classical education. If would like to support our school and community by making a gift, you can do so online or by sending a check to Veritas School, 3400 Brook Road, Richmond, VA 23227. We are so grateful!